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M E R G E R S   &   A C Q U I S I T I O N S

Boosting value through strategic acquisitions.

Our knowledge of markets, trends and opportunities helps our clients in assessing strategic growth strategy as well as identification of suitable acquisition targets. Crafting a strategy to approach potential acquisition candidates and negotiating the terms and structure of a potential transaction are delicate matters in which we have extensive experience.

Our experience in representing strategic and financial acquirers in domestic and cross border transactions includes:

• Strategic analysis of a potential acquisition.
• Rigorous prospect screening.
• Approaching targeted prospects.
• Valuation of acquirer and prospect.
• Transaction negotiation.
• Managing due diligence.
• Cultural sensitivity in cross border M&A transactions.
• “Coaching” counterparties to maximize transaction outcome.

The strategic and financial value can often be unlocked through compelling business combinations and strategic acquisitions. However, to be successful, acquirers must apply a careful and methodical process to ensure that a potential target is a suitable fit and can be integrated to realize on anticipated synergies and strategic opportunities. Our experienced, independent advisory teams analyze and critique the strategic and financial rational of proposed transactions to assist our clients in identifying, evaluating and executing acquisitions that generate exceptional value.

Come to us. We understand banking better.

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